Sunday, August 22, 2010

Update- mini review

Here comes my age old excuse of running around like a chicken with my head cut off again...*sigh* There have been several more crises in the real world and I have been tied up (and not in the good way). First I read Prowl, which was about oh one step or two above mediocre. It was an anthology of shifter stories. If I had to choose a bright spot it would be the Karen Chance piece. Second, I am leaving today on vacation and you all know that's when I do my best reading, the last vacation brought you three reviews. I don't know how many you will get out of me this time but I promised a few friends I would not be working for the day job on the trip, pleasure reading only. *wink* So on that note I bid you adieu, I will be home Thursday so hopefully I will have the blog rolling again on Friday. Who knows maybe one of these books will inspire me to blog lakeside. *grins*

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