Monday, July 19, 2010

The Demon's Lexicon

I usually don't review young adult novels, but when Sarah Rees Brennan sent me an autographed copy of her book The Demon's Lexicon I figured her generosity deserved a shout out.I had never encountered this author before so I was not sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised. It has all the action of your typical urban fantasy novel and it starts right at the beginning, you have your first demon and magician attack on page four.
The story is basically about two brothers, Nick and Alan, being hunted by demon-raising magicians and the pair of siblings they try to save, one of which bears a demon's mark. It is a fast paced read which will keep teens on the edge of their seats and coming back for more. Mild humor throughout makes the characters easy to relate to as well as endearing . I'm particularly intrigued by the relationship between Nick and Alan. This is the first in a trilogy of novels.I won't give away the ending but let me just say you won't know what hit you. The Demon's Lexicon leaves itself ready for the next installment and I am sure the series will be a big hit. Thank you Sarah for the gift. I will cherish it always.

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